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Whether your expertise is in asset management, benefit consulting, investment or tax advice, Indigo offers exceptional propositions to meet your clients' requirement.


International pensions
We provide comprehensive, high quality and dynamic solutions for your multinational clients.
Your corporate clients will see a significant increase in their return on investment (ROI) from their retirement benefit expenditure. Employee engagement, affinity and voluntary contribution levels will be significantly higher than with standard retirement schemes.
This is due to the design flexibility, simplicity and ease-of-use that we deliver at both the employer and member level.
We offer secure and advanced web-based administration capabilities within well-regulated pension trust structures. This provides you with high quality infrastructure necessary to deliver your expertise with confidence.
Design Options
Design options
However you position your retirement offering, your clients will receive the same optimum outcome, engendering employee well-being in a way that helps them achieve their key business objectives.
1. White Label
Employer and member portals can be customised to your corporate brand. This provides the strongest market positioning and the greatest 'ownership' of your proposition for maximum client affinity. This can be achieved with minimal effort and modest expense.
2. Third Party Proposition
If you prefer not to brand your service or, for compliance reasons, you are unable to, our solutions are available as third party propositions. This approach is straightforward; requires minimal effort; incurs no expense on your part; and delivers your clients with a comprehensive employee benefit.
Your clients also have the option to co-brand their retirement benefit schemes, increasing staff engagement and 'ownership' of their retirement benefit program.
Contact us
by phone, email or via our social media channels.
International Pensions
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